Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Pinball Wizard - my most nerdy t-shirt to date.

Yes, its true. I currently have a t-shirt for sale that references LOTR (thats Lord of the Rings to those of you that might not be in the know). Right now your thinking,"I had no idea Ben was such a nerd, dork, dweeb, geek or even goober!" First off, I may be a little dorky, fair enough. But you went too far with dweeb and goober, frankly I'm offended. Let me explain. About six months ago I was approached by Evan Ferstenfeld, or frickinawesome as he's known around the world of designer t's, if I would like to collaborate with him. Evan has made a name for himself around the t-shirt world with his slogans and prints at threadless.com and his own site, madewithawesome.com. So when he asked if I would like to work with him, I said,"sure, why not?" The concept he asked me to illustrate was called Pinball Wizard. Basically a visual pun based off of The Who's hit song of the same name. Here is what we ended up with.


We submitted it to threadless, where it received a decent score, but not good enough to print. Next stop was shirt woot. The people there liked it, but wanted us to give it more of a LOTR feel. So the two kids in the back were replaced with an elf and dwarf, resembling the characters from the movie.


Did I sell out and compromise my morals as an artist by pandering to the hoards of Frodo Baggins fanboys? Yea... pretty much.
Now go buy it!

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